Wednesday, 25 March 2015

It's Interm Report Time!

Complete this reflection on your progress so far in Science & Tech 11.  This will be your interm report to share with your parents:

Work Habits:  Attendance - how many classes have you missed?  Why?  Do you come to class on time?  Do you come to class prepared?  Do you make good use of your class time?   Are you following the safety rules in the lab?

Assignment completion:  How many assignments have you completed?  What assignments are you missing?  Why?  Have you included your blog assignments in your totals?
What has been the most challenging assignment so far?  Why?

Assignment quality:  Are you showing your learning in your assignments?  Are you completing them to the best of your ability?
What assignment/post are you most proud of so far in this course?  Why?

Plan for success:  In class, I sat and talked with each of you about why you are in this course & what has kept you from being successful in Science in the past.  I would like you to think about whether you are following the same pattern in this class, and write about at least 3 specific things you need to do to be successful in Science & Tech this year.

Based on your reflection/work/progress so far in Science and Tech, provide a work habit of
Good / Satisfactory / Needs Improvement.

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