Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Central Park Five

After watching the documentary "Central Park Five" reflect on & answer the following questions:

1.  Describe 2 main themes that were a central focus of the documentary.

2.  What can you relate to that has happened in the movie?

3.  How did this event effect the lives of the accused after they were released from prison?

4.  How did science play a role (or not) in this court case?

5.  Do you think that the same thing could happen today?  Why or why not?

Friday, 15 May 2015

Forensics Unit Project

Groups of 1, 2 or 3

Create a crime scenario - BE CREATIVE!!  You need a setting, possible motive, victim info - in a story format with pictures.

You must include:

  1. Fingerprint evidence - use the ink pads and provide samples.   Where were the fingerprints found?
  2. Insect evidence - what insects are present on the body?  What does that mean for time of death? Which suspects have alibi's at certain times?
  3. Footprint evidence - shoe size or foot length?  Provide a photo of the evidence and measurements.
  4. Stride length evidence - show a photo of the evidence and the stride length measurements.

You need to have 3 suspects -

  • including fingerprints for each suspect
  • include a timeline for their alibi
  • include their height
  • ideas for motive (why might they want to hurt the victim?)
This assignment is a combination of story & photos of the evidence - create it so that someone ELSE needs to follow the evidence provided and solve the crime.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Forensic Entomology - Insects solving crimes

At a crime scene where a death occurs, insects can provide essential clues to help solve the crime - such as the time of death.  Ewww!

Choose two different insects from the list below to research & answer these questions about:

Flesh Fly
Dermastid Beetle
House Fly
Hide Beetle
Clothes Moth

1.  What is the main food source for the insect?
2.  How does it help determine the time of death at a crime scene?
3.  What is the time length and description of it's life cycle?
4.  Describe what the insect looks like and post a picture of it.

Links that may be helpful:

hide beetle
dermastid beetle
wikipedia - entomology

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

DNA forensic research

DNA is found in the nucleus of all cells of all living things.  The order of the bases in the DNA make up the genetic code, which makes you different than the person sitting beside you & different than a mosquito.

Since each person has a unique genetic code, collecting and analyzing DNA at crime scenes helps to convict criminals by matching the DNA of a suspect to a sample found at a crime scene.

Your assignment is to find 2 different true crime scenarios that have used DNA evidence - one crime that the suspect was convicted due to DNA, one crime that the accused was freed due to DNA evidence.  Link the articles to your blog.  Once you have linked the articles, summarize them in an audio file using the iPads and the app called NOTABILITY - click the microphone at the top of the screen and start talking.  Export it to google drive and then you should be able to embed it in your blog (I think).

Summarize 2 articles in 2 audio files...

Monday, 4 May 2015

DNA Structure

These questions can be completed on paper or on your blog.  Use the information on your colouring sheet to answer them.

1.  What are the three parts of a nucleotide?
2.  What are the 4 bases that are found in DNA?
3.  What 2 molecules make the "sides" of the DNA ladder?
4.  What molecules make up the "steps" or "rungs" of the ladder?
5.  Which molecule do the bases attach to on the sides?
6.  Which bases are always paired together?

Once your colouring and questions are completed you will be making a DNA model with the following supplies:  straws, marshmallows & toothpicks.

Create your model and either label or make a legend of the following parts:

  • bases (A,C,T,G)
  • phosphate
  • sugar
  • hydrogen bonds
Post this to your blog (a picture of your model with the legend)