Find an interesting article about a true crime that was solved by the evidence of fingerprints. Read the article, summarize it on your blog, and post a link to your article. Also post WHY you chose the article you did.
DO NOT CUT AND PASTE INFORMATION or use the first article that you find on google.
Once this is posted - have a look at the website below and complete the first web assignment - ROOKIE TRAINING (the easiest one).
assignment is to design a vehicle of the future following all of the criteria
below.Your information will be
presented on a poster or be posted onto your blog.
BBC - Cars of 2050 Mercedes Car of the Future 1.Design – you will be creating a labeled
drawing on a poster of the overall structural design of your vehicle (shape,
colours, proportions).
2.Safety & Technology Features – Using your previous
research on safety features & the links above as a guide, describe safety features of your
vehicle within the following categories:
in features (seat belts, indicators, air bags)
b.New Technology
(rear-view cameras etc.)
3.Power – Using the video clips watched
in class as guide, choose one of the types of alternative power and research
the following via the webpages / links provided BELOW–
does the power source work?
are the materials required?
are the emissions and environmental impact?
are the costs of this fuel source – where and how would you refuel?
Picture of your egg drop contraption (before picture)
List of materials used (be specific!)
Picture of your egg drop in action
Picture of your egg drop after
Describe your results: Success is an egg with no cracks at all - there are various levels of failure - cracked shell, egg white showing, egg yolk showing, completely broken. Did you test it more than once? Tell me about it here.
Learn from your classmates: What types of designs were successful? Which types of designs were not?
Using the link below browse through the 85 articles and find one that interests you. Read the article, post the link on your blog and summarize the topic and main points of the article about transportation in the future.
Your challenge is to design & create a parachute that can carry an object to the ground to hit a 8X11 target with the slowest possible rate of descent.
Testing Data:
Drop height (m)
Drop time (s)
Velocity (m/s)
The LOWEST velocity is the best parachute in the class!
Post a picture of your parachute (in action) Post your data Answer the following questions: 1. As you were creating your parachute what adjustments or changes did you make to your design after you tried it out before the testing began? 2. What forces act on the parachute during it's descent? 3. What changes would you need to make to your design if you needed to transport a heavier object?